The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Text File
793 lines
User-Supported Software
A Programmer's Utility
Donald R. Ramsey
Larry Romero
727 Bunker Hill #70
Houston, Texas 77024
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................... 1
System Requirements .............................. 1
Files Required on Disk ........................... 1
Documentation Form ............................... 2
Msg ........................................... 2
Center ........................................ 2
InvVideo ...................................... 2
Color ......................................... 2
Box ........................................... 2
Option ........................................ 3
StripSpaces ................................... 3
ClrWnd ........................................ 3
SaveScreen .................................... 3
FlashScreen ................................... 3
Beep .......................................... 3
Say_Cap_Num ................................... 3
Set_Cap_Num ................................... 4
Ck_Edit_Key ................................... 4
Get_Template .................................. 4
Input ......................................... 5
Prompt ........................................ 6
Say_Prompt .................................... 6
Get_Default ................................... 6
Do_Validation ................................. 6
Input_Handler ................................. 7
Hmenu ......................................... 9
MainMenu ...................................... 9
Fmt_Real ...................................... 10
UpcaseStr ..................................... 10
ConstStr ...................................... 10
User-Supported Concept ........................... 11
Future Enhancements & Update Policy .............. 12
Invoice Form
A Programmer's Utility
When I started to write programs using Turbo Pascal, I realized
the potential of this language. However, as I quickly decided, I
needed a set of utilities to handle the requirements of data input,
validation of data, full screen editing, and the other chores of
everyday use. This utility is designed to handle many of these
As I am new to the Pascal language, the utilities may not be
written in the best form, but they do work. You may use these
procedures as a guide to develop your own routines or, of course,
they may be used as they are. Please let me know if the routines
work well for you or if they need to be changed.
Probably the best way to learn to use the subroutines is to
to read the explanations given in this document, then study the
SHELL.DEM program provided on the disk.
The Appendix provides a quick reference to all the procedures
and functions. It is a list of the routines with a description of
the calling parameters.
I hope this program makes Your programming easier.
Don & Larry
IBM-PC or true compatible
1 Disk Drive
Turbo Pascal 2.0
Page 2
The procedures will be given in the following form:
Procedure name(Variable 1, { type var: description of var }
. .
. .
Variable n) { type var: description of var }
Description of routine and calling method.
Discussion if necessary.
What is returned to the main program.
Msg( String { str: string to be displayed }
Col,Row) { int: Column & row for display}
Description: Display a message at the specified column
and row of the video.
Center( String, { str: string to be displayed }
Col,Row, { int: Col & row to center on }
Line length) { int: length of line to center on }
Description: clear the line to center on from the col,row
to the line-length, then Center the string on this line.
InvVideo( String ) { str: String to display in inverse video }
Description: display a string in inverse video and return
to the calling routine with the background set to black
and the text white.
Color(BackGnd, { int: the desired background color }
Txt ) { int: the color for the text }
Description: color the video as desired.
Box( X1,Y1, { int: upper left col & row for frame }
X2,Y2, { int: lower right col & row }
divider){ int: the row position for a dividing line}
Description: draw a box that has an optional line as a
divider. If you do not wish to have the extra line
divide the box, just set Z = Y1.
Page 3
Description: allow the user to press a key and return
that character as an upper character to the calling
Returned : Ch ( upper case )
StripSpaces( String, { str: string to strip spaces from end }
NewStr ) { str: variable to return }
Description: Strip spaces from the end of a string.
Returned : NewStr is a variable parameter that is returned to
to the calling routine.
ClrWnd( X1,Y1, { int: upper left of area to clear }
X2,Y2) { int: lower right of area to clear }
Description: this is an alternate method to that of
defining a window and doing a CLRSCR for that window.
The advantage of this method is that the original
window is left intact and operations can be performed
without keeping track of the original window. The
disadvantage is that it is a little slower than CLRSCR.
Description: save a video display in memory for a quick
flash back when necessary.
Description: this routine will re-display the screen saved
by the SaveScreen procedure.
Beep( Tone, { int: the tone to sound (Ex: 350 ) }
Duration){ int: the time to delay (Ex: 500 ) }
Description: turns on a tone for the desired duration
then terminates the sound. You may test the sounds
by running TSTSOUND.COM.
Description: display on the 25th line of the screen
the current status of the CAP, NUM, Ins keys.
Page 4
Set_cap_num( Caps, { ch: set to 'C' for caps }
Num, { ch: set to 'N' for nums }
Ins) { ch: set to 'I' for insert }
Description: set the keypad as desired by the programmer.
Ex: Set_cap_num('C','N','I')
will set the cap lock, the num lock, and turn
insert on.
Ex: Set_cap_num(' ','N',' ')
will set only the num lock.
Ck_edit_key( Ch ) { ch: variable returned }
Description: A routine to determine if an edit key (Home, End,
arrow key, etc.) or a function key was pressed.
Discussion : IBM returns a two byte string for any edit
or function key that is pressed. In order to test for this
2 byte string you must read the keyboard twice, testing
the second byte for the edit or function key value. So,
you must read the KBD for a character and if a key is
pressed, call the routine (the procedure does the second
READ(kbd,ch)). At present, only the edit keys and the
10 function keys are checked. However, you could easily
expand the procedure to check the shift states, etc.
Example call:
if keypressed Ck_edit_key(Ch);
Returned : the procedure will modify the variable
Ch if one of the edit or function keys was pressed or
leave Ch as it was in the first READ(kbd,ch) if no edit or
function key was pressed. You should look at the routine
to determine what Ch will return if it has been modified
(I always have to look, but, I know the function keys
will return ^a for <F1>,...,^i for <F9>,^j for <F10>).
Get_template( template_num { int: the number of the template }
template ) { str: variable returned to caller }
Description: get the required template for use in the
Input procedure.
Page 5
Input( type, { ch: 'A' for alphanumerics
'N' for numbers
'F' for formatted entries }
default, { str: the default string that will be displayed
in the input field }
col,row, { int: the position for the input }
length, { int: the field length for the input or
the template number if a formatted entry }
uppercase { boo: true for uppercase letters
false otherwise }
F1 { boo: variable returned true if the <F1> key
was pressed for the entry }
F10 ) { boo: variable returned true if the <F10> key
was pressed for the entry }
Description: This is the main procedure for getting input from
a user. The numeric keypad, the Ins key, and the CAP lock
keys are set as desired by the programmer and these keys
are constantly monitored to see if their status has been
changed by the user. The key status is displayed on the
25th line of the screen in inverse video. As presently
configured, the status of these three keys can be changed
at any time by the user.
The routine allows the user to use the keyboard as he
would normally expect. The arrow keys function when the
NUM lock is not set, the Home and End keys respond to send
the cusor to the start or end of the input line, and the
Ins key state will allow a letter to be inserted in the input
string if it is set to ON.
Returned : the entry of the user is return to the calling
procedure in the global variable ANSWER.
Page 6
Prompt( string1, { str: string to be displayed on line 22 }
string2 ) { str: string to be displayed on line 23 }
Description: clear line 22 and 23 of the video then display
string1 and string2 there.
Say_prompt( prompt_num ) { int: the prompt to display }
Description: specify string1 and string2 to be dispalyed
in the Prompt procedure. This is used primarily by the
Get_default( Default_num, { int: the default for an input }
Default ) { str: the variable returned }
Description: provide the defaults to display in the input field
for the Input_handler.
Do_validation( Valid_num, { int: the number of the
validation routine }
Valid ) { boo: variable returned false if
invalid entry }
Description: provide a routine to validate any entries that
were made from the Input_handler. If the entry is
invalid on return from this procedure, the Input_handler
will require the user to re-enter the data.
Returned : the boolean variable VALID is returned.
Page 7
Input_handler( string, { str: 5 character string (Ex: 'N0108')
1st ch: N for new entries
C for changes
D for re-display
nums 1-2: first element number of
P[] array to use
nums 3-4: last element of the
P[] array to use }
Escape ) { boo: variable returned true if <F1> was
pressed at the first entry }
Description: this handler provides for full screen editing of
user inputs, provides a means for changing entries, and
redisplays a record.
Discussion : the programmer must provide the P[] array,
specifying each input that is required. The form for
P[] is
P[1] := '2505A02501T010102'
P[n] where n is limited to 35 (35 entries per page)
Each element of P[] is defined below:
element No. Description
1-2 the column for input
3-4 the row for input
5 type input- A for alphanumerics
N for numbers
F for foramtted entries
$ for dollar entries
6-9 the length of the input field or
the template number if a formatted
10-11 array element of Filvar[] array.
Filvar[] is the global variable
that is returned to the calling
12 set to T if you wish the Caps lock set
13-14 the default number ( see Get_default )
15-16 the prompt number ( see Say_prompt )
17-18 the validation No.( see Do_validation )
( Example on next page )
Page 8
The programmer must also provide for defaults, prompts,
and validation. The placement of these procedures is provided
in the utility.
Example: the following procedure will call the handler:
procedure Get_inputs;
procedure Get_variables;
P[1] := '2505N00801F010201';
P[2] := '2607A02502T020203';
This example will provide input for two variables. On
return from the handler, FILVAR[1] will contain the input
from the parameters specified in P[1] and FILVAR[2] will
contain the input from P[2].
Changes can be made to Filvar[1..n] by calling the
handler in the change mode. For example, if there were 7
variables in the Filvar array, the call
Input_handler('C0207') would allow changes to Filvar[2] thru
Filvar[7] ( note that Filvar[1] was skipped by this call ).
The handler may also be called in the Display mode.
It will then display all variables execpt the numbers. The
numbers may be displayed formatted using the FMT_REAL function.
Returned : global variables Filvar[1..n] ( max n = 35 )
variable ESCAPE will return true if
<F1> was pressed at the 1st field of input.
Page 9
Hmenu( Col,row, { int: the column & row for the menu }
title, { str: title for the menu, displayed one
line above the col,row position }
Ch ) { Ch : variable returned to the calling
calling routine. This was the
choice the user pressed }
Description: provide a lotus type menu. The programmer provides
the menu choices and prompts in the P[] array.
The following form will call the procedure:
procedure Lotus_Menu;
var Exit: boolean;
Exit := false;
Title := 'File Maintenance';
P[1] := 'Add .Add an account to the file';
P[2] := 'List .List a file';
P[3] := 'Menu .Return to the Main Menu';
P[4] := ' ';
Case Ch of
A : begin end;
L : begin end;
M : Exit := true;
end; { case }
UNTIL Exit = true;
Note that all menu items must begin with a different letter
and each item is followed by a period.
Returned: The global variable Ch will be returned as the choice
selected by the user.
Description: provide a skeleton for a main menu. The procedure
will draw a box around the menu items and verify the choice
of the user. All that is required of the programmer, is the
menu selections and a list of OKchoices ( Okchoices is a list
of all the choices that may be selected by the user )
Page 10
Fmt_Real(number, { real: number to format }
lenght, { int: the total length of the digits, commas,
and the decimals }
decimals) { int: the number of decimal places }
Description: a function to format a real number with a commas
and the decimals as desired.
Example: Fmt_Real( 1010.258,7,2) would return 1,010.26
UpcaseStr(S) { str: string to convert to upper case }
Description: to convert any string to upper case characters.
This function may be useful when using the Turbo Toolbox for
converting an index string to all upper case letters.
ConstStr( Character, { the cahracter to fill the string with }
Number) { the number of characters in the string }
Description: fill a string with the character of the programmers
choice. This would be useful for drawing a line of characters on
the screen.
Example: gotoXY(1,4); write(ConstStr('=',80));
This example would draw a line of equal signs at line 4 of
the video.
Page 11
=================== User-Supported Software ===================
If you have received this program from another
user and find it of value, your contribution
will be appreciated ( $25.00 suggested ).
Donald R. Ramsey
727 Bunker Hill #70
Houston, Texas 77024
Regardless of whether you make a contribution, you are
encouraged to copy and distribute this program.
The user-supported concept:
Anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by
sending a blank, formatted disk to the program author together
with an addressed, postage-paid return mailer. A copy of the
program, with documentation, will be sent by return mail on
user's disk.
The program carries a notice suggesting a contribution for
the software. Making a contribution is voluntary on the part of
the user.
Regardless of whether a contribution is made, the user is
is encouraged to copy the program for trial use by others
on a private, non-commercial basis. Payment for use is
discretionary on the part or each subsequent user.
Page 12
This program is distributed under the user-supported
concept and, as such, will only be improved if you, the user,
make suggestions as to improvements and enhancements that you
would like to see. LET ME HEAR FROM YOU.
Provided the Users do support this program, this will
apply. Any time there are revisions or up-dates to the program
I will notify all Registered Owners. They may then obtain a
copy of the new disk for a $10.00 fee. This fee is to cover the
cost of the disk as well as mailing. If you are not a Registered
owner then you will have to get the update from a friend.
I might also mention that since I have spent a great
amount of time writing the program, I hope to benefit from
the contributions of the Users. If you do not contribute
to a Useful user-supported program, the supply of improving
public domain programs will start to diminish. Help make
this experiment a success and send a donation.
If this program is useful to the users and is of benefit
to me, I will add other procedures and functions that will
extend the program and it's usefulness. If I don't hear from
you, I won't be encouraged to make any improvements or extensions.
Msg( String { str: string to be displayed }
Col,Row) { int: Column & row for display}
Center( String, { str: string to be displayed }
Col,Row, { int: Col & row to center on }
Line length) { int: length of line to center on }
InvVideo( String ) { str: String to display in inverse video }
Color(BackGnd, { int: the desired background color }
Txt ) { int: the color for the text }
Box( X1,Y1, { int: upper left col & row for frame }
X2,Y2, { int: lower right col & row }
divider){ int: the row position for a dividing line }
StripSpaces( String, { str: string to strip spaces from end }
NewStr ) { str: variable to return }
ClrWnd( X1,Y1, { int: upper left of area to clear }
X2,Y2) { int: lower right of area to clear }
Beep( Tone, { int: the tone to sound (Ex: 350 ) }
Duration){ int: the time to delay (Ex: 500 ) }
Set_cap_num( Caps, { ch: set to 'C' for caps }
Num, { ch: set to 'N' for nums }
Ins) { ch: set to 'I' for insert }
Ck_edit_key( Ch ) { ch: variable returned }
Get_template( template_num { int: the number of the template }
template ) { str: variable returned to caller }
Input( type, { ch: 'A' for alphanumerics
'N' for numbers
'F' for formatted entries }
default, { str: the default string that will be displayed
in the input field }
col,row, { int: the position for the input }
length, { int: the field length for the input or
the template number if a formatted entry }
uppercase, { boo: true for uppercase letters
false otherwise }
F1, { boo: variable returned true if the <F1> key
was pressed for the entry }
F10 ) { boo: variable returned true if the <F10> key
was pressed for the entry }
Prompt( string1, { str: string to be displayed on line 22 }
string2 ) { str: string to be displayed on line 23 }
Say_prompt( prompt_num ) { int: the prompt to display }
Get_default( Default_num, { int: the default for an input }
Default ) { str: variable returned }
Do_validation( Valid_num, { int: the number of the validation routine }
Valid ) { boo: variable returned false if
invalid entry }
Input_handler( string { str: 5 character string (Ex: 'N0108')
1st ch: N for new entries
C for changes
D for re-display
nums 1-2: first element number of
P[] array to use
nums 3-4: last element of the
P[] array to use }
Escape ) { boo: variable returned true if <F1> was
pressed at the first field }
Hmenu( Col,row, { int: the column & row for the menu }
title, { str: title for the menu, displayed one
line above the col,row position }
Ch ) { ch : variable character that is returned
to calling routine. The user's choice }
Fmt_Real(number, { real: number to format }
lenght, { int: the total length of the digits
and the decimals }
UpcaseStr(S) { str: string to convert to upper case }
ConstStr( Character, { the cahracter to fill the string with }
Number) { the number of characters in the string }
Purchased From:
Donald R. Ramsey
727 Bunker Hill #70
Houston, Texas 77024
Item | Description | Qty | Price ea | TOTAL
TURBO-UT. | A programmer's utility | | |
PAS| for the IBM-PC | | $25.00 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
COPIES | Copies of above software to | | $15.00 |
| to be used at other | | |
| locations. | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Retain this copy for your records.
This disk copy was originally provided by "The Public Library",
the software library of the Houston Area League of PC Users.
Disks in the Public Libray are updated monthly. Check with us
for the latest versions of all programs.
Programs are available from the Public Library at $2 per disk
on user-provided disks. To get a listing of the disks in the
Public Library, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
Nelson Ford, P.O.Box 61565, Houston, TX 77208.